Admissions at Hartlepool Free School

We take great care in ensuring that each placement is appropriate not only for the student referred but also for the wider school community. Admissions decisions are guided by the Principal in collaboration with the Local Authority, adhering to statutory obligations outlined in the Education Act 1996 and the SEND Code of Practice.

Admission Pathways

Students may be admitted to Hartlepool Free School through the following pathways:

  1. Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs): Students with an EHCP for whom the Local Authority has consulted for a place at our school.
  2. Assessment Placements: These are offered in line with the Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the Local Authority. Assessment placements are time-limited but may be extended if necessary. During the placement, students will be dual registered, remaining on the roll of their referring school.
  3. Referral Process: Admission records must comply with current legislation, and all required documentation must be signed by the parent or carer before admission.

Referring Schools (for Assessment Placements)

Students remain primarily registered with their referring school, which is responsible for supporting entry strategies and participating in meetings about the student.

Supporting Looked After Children

For Looked After Children or students with multi-agency involvement, we ensure collaboration with all relevant parties to meet the child’s needs effectively.

Placement Reviews and Exit Strategies

We conduct regular reviews to assess progress and determine next steps. Where applicable, exit strategies are designed with input from students, parents/carers, the Local Authority, and relevant staff, ensuring a smooth transition to the next stage of the student’s education.

For more information please read the statement of provision document below or contact us.

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