Our Strategic Objectives (Intent and Implementation)

We fully support Hartlepool Borough Council’s objectives for Hartlepool Free School. These reflect both the school’s own ambition and that of the LA, through our in-school provision and outreach work.

  • To improve attendance:

Many of the students attending HFS will have had low attendance in mainstream school. Our first aim is to establish the expectation of the student and their family of regular attendance, with the overall aim of each student meeting at least national expectations.

  • To reduce suspensions:

HFS will have a clearly understood behaviour policy with a range of sanctions to be used. Fixed term suspension will be the exception and the length of suspension kept to a minimum. Permanent exclusion would be a last resort.

  • To increase positive behaviour linked to personalised behaviour targets:

Each child’s EHCP will be a key document in ensuring that their needs are met, and they are supported in understanding how they can adapt their behaviour to enable them to be successful and fully integrated members of the school and wider community.  

  • To improve working independently and as part of a group:

The curriculum and broader activities including a focus on outdoor activity and the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme will be carefully planned to maximise the opportunities for students to develop their social skills and gain in self-confidence.  

  • To increase the number of young people accessing relevant and meaningful work experience:

Our commitment to the Gatsby standards includes the expectation that all our students will have access to appropriate work experience. We will foster relationships with local providers to ensure that they build a link with the students prior to the placement to maximise the chances of success. 

  • To ensure young people are preparing for adulthood:

We are committed to enabling our students to develop the personal skills to live independently and go onto appropriate and meaningful next steps as part of a plan for employment or meaningful activity in adulthood.

  • To enhance individual transition support to reduce placement breakdown:

Our model for liaising with the Transition group in Hartlepool Borough Council, any involved agencies, previous school, commissioner, student and parent(s)/carer(s) will ensure that students who join the school are successfully integrated and are able to benefit from our approach to learning. Our target would be for no placement breakdowns: in the exceptional case that a placement is not successful we will examine in detail the causes and whether this should inform our future practice. 

  • To increase confidence of staff in mainstream schools in working with children with SEMH:

Our outreach work with schools will be a crucial part of ensuring that wherever possible students are supported in remaining in mainstream schooling and that inclusivity for SEMH students becomes more compatible with effective education in mainstream schools. 

  • To increase attainment in reading, writing and maths for children with SEMH:  

Our curriculum is designed to maximise learning in the core subject areas and our target is to accelerate progress from the point of entry to close the gap between actual and potential attainment.

  • To increase attainment at KS4 in English and Maths for young people with an EHCP:

Our target will be that all students at KS4 have a nationally recognised qualification in English and maths and that wherever possible this will be GCSE.

  • To promote high ambitions for young people with SEMH:

We will strive to support the attainment of ‘5 Good’ GCSEs or the equivalent. 

  • To promote parent/carer contributions to maximise outcomes for students with SEND:

In addition to our strong links with the parents of our own students we would plan to bring our expertise to a wider audience by working with individual mainstream schools, with the LA and with third sector agencies to provide training and support to ensure that parents are better equipped to support their child as a result of being part of our school community.

  • To develop CPD programmes which include specific and shared opportunities for parents/carers and other professionals:

We appreciate the key role that a parent plays in their child’s success and the importance of building strong home-school links. Our programme of formal and informal opportunities for parents/carers to engage with the school will ensure that these links are secure.

Key Performance Indicators (Impact)

  • Attendance will be consistently at national benchmarks or above.
  • Suspensions will be below national averages for similar provision.
  • Students will make good or better progress towards their EHCP targets (at 85% or more) and behaviour will be reported as good.
  • Students will self-report an increase in their confidence and self-esteem via an annual survey after one year of being part of the school.
  • Every permanently placed child will have taken part in appropriate work experience during their schooling.
  • At least 95% of leavers will go onto positive next steps.
  • All students on permanent placements will be successfully integrated into the school.
  • We will engage with at least one school and provide shadowing opportunities.
  • Our students will make good progress from their starting points. We will measure this six times per year to ensure we are secure in our understanding of their progress and be able to respond where additional interventions are necessary, with a focus on the core subjects where these are less secure, and extended subjects where they are secure.
  • 95% or more or of our students will leave with nationally recognised qualifications in both maths and English.
  • Our teaching will consistently be good or better enabling all students to maximise their potential. All children will have a personalised plan based on their potential.
  • Our parents will consistently report good relationships and high levels of satisfaction with the school.
  • Our CPD programmes will include parents and carers and extend to other professionals and community partners accessing the facilities where appropriate.