Why Teach Healthy me - Food?

In addition to teaching our students culinary skills, food technology helps to teach them about where our food comes from the concept of seasonality and local produce. They will learn an increasing range of culinary skills using equipment and food safely.

The students also learn about nutrition and dietary requirements such as vegan, gluten free etc. This equips them with vital skills and knowledge to understand why a balanced diet is important and how it can cater for specific dietary needs. Aligned with PE, maths, PSHE and science it also supports their understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how to manage this on a budget.

Curriculum Intent

Lessons are designed to ensure students understand where food comes from (grown, reared, caught, processed) and seasonality, cross curricular links are made to air miles and global warming.

The subject will build on students’ prior knowledge of nutrition including food groups, restricted diets, gov guidelines (nutrition & exercise) and balanced menus. A key emphasis will be made on cooking to a budget, linking explicitly to the maths curriculum as well as the real world. 

At the heart of the subject, a range of culinary skills will be observed and taught in order to be safe and knowledgeable cooks.

Curriculum Implementation

Students will be taught in small groups using a recently redeveloped kitchen with a range of high-quality equipment. 

In a typical lesson, teachers will interact with students using a range of questioning techniques, modelling and clear instruction in order for students to develop independence over time.

Students will have the opportunity to visit a number of local establishments in order to enrich their learning (eg. Farms, markets, butchers, shops).

Curriculum Impact

  • To be able to cook in a safe and organised manner.
  • To learn basic cooking techniques that can be applied to cooking a full meal. 
  • To experience primary and secondary consumers outside of school to show food’s journey to the plate.